Monte Rio and Jenner

A Couple weekends ago, I went to meet my parents on the Sonoma Coast. They came up to do the Monte Rio Olympic distance triathlon. I drove out Saturday night after my shift. The drive was dark but was beautiful … Continue reading

Birthday Mud Run

My birthday this year finally fell on a Sunday! Which is race day!!! So of course I decided I had to do a race on my birthday. I searched around and finally found the mud factor mud run in Sacramento! A mud run, how can I say no!?


So I registered and started thinking about what I would wear! Of course I had to represent some of my teams and had to show people that it was my birthday. So I put a green band on my arm to keep my key and my garmin safe and represent slytherin! I also wore my Ragnar ambassador headband. I usually don’t wear orange, but for a mud run it was the perfect splash of color. I also wore a sash that said “it’s my birthday” It was fun having people say happy birthday the whole time!


sadly my friend Sam wasn’t able to go and we looked for someone to take her spot. Unfortunately we couldn’t find anyone and I was worried I would have to run by myself šŸ˜„ thankfully one of the girls from one of my running groups signed up and agreed to let me run with her.


I was worried about the obstacles and worried I wouldn’t make it over the walls. I figured I would just take them one at a time, attempt everything, and try my best.


I was able to conquer every obstacle. Even the big wall I was most worried about. It felt so good to accomplish it.




The race ended with a huge slide and a mud crawl. We got covered in mud and had great after pictures.


After we finished we went over the the creek we had waded through to rinse off. It was perfect and way better than waiting for showers. It was like a giant pool party!! I always wanted a pool party for my birthday!


Before the race I had looked around on pinterest and asked people tips about mud runs. Here are the biggest tips people gave. Some I followed some I didn’t
-wear pants or socks to cover shins and knees (great idea for knees when you crawl through gravel)
– wear gloves (didn’t do this… maybe for a more intense one)
– tape your shoes on (I just tried my shoes really tight… I don’t mind barefoot if needed)
– put your hair up (duh! )
– put your phone in a bag ( I didn’t want to risk anything so I didn’t bring my phone)
– bring a wet towel/wet wipes for after (definitely needed! I put a wet towel in a baggie, it was perfect. I wish I had brought 2)
– bring sheets or something to change in (I do this for Ragnar relays! I have a strapless dress I use for changing its perfect!)
– bring bags for your wet/ muddy clothes (yes!! And for your shoes. I used three grocery bags)
-bring a squirt top water bottle for hard to reach areas ( didn’t use it because we were able to clean off pretty well.)
-roll in the mud and don’t be afraid of getting covered! (Yes! It was great to be covered)
That is all I can think of for now.
It was a great race! We had so much fun and I look forward to my next one!

Lassen Peak Hike


Since I moved here in April, I have wanted to hike Lassen Peak. Right now the peak hike is only open certain weekends because they are doing construction on the path. My friend Sam and I decided we were going to hike the peak the weekend in October that it was open.


Suddenly the weekend was upon us and we were finally able to hike the peak! We arrived around 10am so we would have time to hike the whole thing slowly and hangout after. The hike to the peak is only about 2.5 miles long and it goes from 8,000 ft elevation to 10,500 ft elevation. So in 2.5 miles you hike 2,500 ft up. We didnā€™t realize how steep that would be until we were hiking.



This hike was a lot harder than we thought it was going to be. The elevation made it really hard on our lungs and the steepness made it really hard on our legs. I love hiking with Sam because we can both complain and be real when we are exhausted and wanting to die.


Finally we made it to the peak. It was beautiful up there! We could see so far and there was snow at the top. We really enjoyed the hike and the reward of our packed lunches at the top.






After our beautiful hike, we did a small walk to lake. At the lake we hung our hammocks and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.




It was such a perfect day! I canā€™t wait for the next day we can get out and enjoy the Lordā€™s beauty!




Lassen Hiking and Lava Caves


I love where I live. Lassen Volcanic National Park is a pretty quick drive from home and I am able to go there pretty often. I love hiking and enjoying nature. Lassen is the perfect place to enjoy a day off work.



In August my friends Sam, Meredith, and I decided to go hike in Lassen. We decided to hike to Bumpass Hell. Bumpass Hell is the volcanic area where you can see hot pool and stuff.




A Few weeks ago, my friend Mindy and I went to Lassen and the Subway cave. The Subway Cave is located near Lassen. It is a cave/tunnel that was formed by Lava flow. I had read about it and was excited to go explore.



We put our headlamps on and our jackets (it is 46 degrees in the cave) and headed for the cave. It was really cool! The Subway Cave is a cave/tunnel that was formed by Lava flow. I had read about it and was excited to go explore.



After the cave Mindy and I decided to stop at Lassen National Park to eat our lunches. We decided to hike Kings Creek Trail to the falls. Every hike in Lassen is beautiful! The whole hike is along this creek and ends at this beautiful waterfall. We enjoyed every piece of the hike. There is this little bridge across the water and we sat for our lunches there. After talking and eating we decided to head back. During lunch we took off our shoes. With our shoes off we decided to hike the trip back shoeless. Since I love being barefoot I enjoyed this experience and canā€™t wait to hike again barefoot.







Can’t wait till our next barefoot hike!

Barefeet, Boots, and Running Shoes

For months I have been trying to decide on a name for my blog. I have gone through so many different names trying to pick the right one. I wanted something simple that would sum up my life/my writing. I wanted something unique and somewhat catchy. I have google searched ā€œblog namesā€ and ā€œcoming up with a blog nameā€ and so many other things. I have texted my mom (thanks mom) a million different names to see what she thought. All to still have a hard time deciding.

I realized recently that I am never going to come up with the ā€œPERFECTā€ name. I realized that whatever I name it will become the perfect name. Itā€™s not about what you name it but what you make of that name. So I have finally settled on a name. I introduce you to (drumroll)ā€¦.

Drum roll

Barefeet, Boots, and Running Shoes

I was playing around with the idea of this name and decided I like and itā€™s kind of stuck. It sums up my traveling, my running/activities, and my loves. Letā€™s be honest donā€™t all women have shoes that reprent them? High heels, wedges, vans, toms, sandals, rainbows, boots? These three things are what I live in.

Barefeet: I love to be barefoot you can read about some of my barefoot adventures on my New Zealand Blog here. I went the entire month of May last year barefoot. Sadly, because I live in the US I canā€™t walk around barefoot everywhere so I wear sandals but I would rather be barefoot! (sandals just didnā€™t have the same ring to it as barefeet)


Boots: I also love boots. Every fall I look for a great pair of boots that I can wear while itā€™s too cold to go barefoot. Plus they look really cute! Also when I am hiking, hiking boots are essential.


Running Shoes: In case you donā€™t already know I also love to run and do all sorts of active things. For this reason I am in running shoes all the time.

When I travel I always bring my sandals, a great pair of boots, and my running shoes. These three are my go to items that I couldnā€™t live without! They sum up my blog through my traveling, my running and activities, my love for the outdoors, my love for life, and my love for the Lord.

So there you have it! Over the next week I will be revamping my blog a bit and hopefully getting a banner picture done. I have also created a facebook page you can find HERE. (like my Page) There I will be posting more about my running and activities, as well as other random things that go with this blog!

What shoes sum up your life? Are you a high heels type person? Maybe an army boots person? Or a simple barefoot person like myself?


(Photo from pinterest)